RN到M.S. 在护理


节省时间 and 钱 While Fast-Tracking Two Nursing Degrees.

If you have a bachelor's degree in a discipline other than nursing, 护理学副学士学位, 作为注册护士每周至少工作16小时, 那么这个课程就是为你设计的!

This unique program will allow you to earn a Bachelor's 在护理 and a Master's in 护理教育 OR 护理领导与管理. 课程100%在线完成. All of this will help you advance your career while continuing to work full time.

提升你的技能. 提高你的批判性思维. 照顾好你自己、你的家人和你的病人. 你准备好全力以赴了吗?


Do you need questions about the program and the admissions process answered? 通过电子邮件联系 age-admissions@罗伯茨.edu or 和美高梅mgm平台的大人预约一下 & 研究生招生代表.


  • 2025年2月24日


获取更多信息 by clicking below to request details on our program admissions, 课程, 学费, 和更多的.








Acquire in-depth knowledge of holistic nursing practice and become a transformative healthcare leader or nursing educator at 美高梅mgm平台. R.N. M.S. program prepares each student in the educator program for nursing professional development positions at healthcare agencies and in academic education. Students are prepared for leadership in a variety of healthcare settings. Each student in nursing graduate school has access to the latest resources and a plan to apply their knowledge to the practice setting as a leader or educator. 此外,美高梅mgm平台的M.S. programs are taught and led by experienced faculty members from a wide range of care settings.



节省时间 & 钱! 获得两个学位(B.S. + M.S.),节省了16000美元的学费

R.N. M.S. 护理-教育方向

R.N. M.S. 护理-领导力 & 管理跟踪

完全在线 项目交付允许您在任何地方学习



Opportunities in nursing are steadily growing as the healthcare system continues to evolve. Now is the perfect time to seek advanced nursing education to prepare for future healthcare roles.

美高梅mgm平台提供R.N. M.S. program to help prepare you for advanced roles in leadership or nursing education. A Master of Science in nursing opens up many career pathways and opportunities in nursing and healthcare fields.

Organizations that provide for the healthcare of individuals and communities need nurses prepared at advanced levels in leadership and education to meet the growing need for quality healthcare. There is a demand for nurses to provide education in the professional development role, 大学设置, 患者教育设置. R的护士教育课程.N. M.S. program will prepare you to provide nursing instruction with excellence. The 护理领导与管理 track prepares leaders for a variety of roles and settings. 每门课都是R.N. M.S. program will prepare you for excellence in practice and enable students to:

  • 应用 Nursing Knowledge to Provide Quality Innovative Nursing Care

  • Provide Evidence-Based Care That Recognizes Individual Preferences, Values, and Needs

  • Synthesize and Disseminate the Latest Re搜索 and Evidence to Transform Care and Improve Healthcare Outcomes

  • Engage in Partnership with the Interprofessional Team to Support Equitable Population Health

  • Employ Quality and Safety Principles to Provide Excellence in 护理教育, 领导, 及临床实践

  • Use Latest Technology and 信息rmatics Manage Health Care Delivery

  • 倡导道德和公平的医疗保健

  • 卓越领导

对R感兴趣的.N. M.S. program offered by 美高梅mgm平台 should continue their exploration of the program with our “获取更多信息” section for detailed course 课程, 入学要求, and additional information for our graduate school application.


卫生部门比以往任何时候都更需要护士. 最近, there has been a growing demand for nurses who are prepared to face the changing, 医疗保健行业的复杂需求. 就业 of nurses with advanced education and other medical and health services managers is projected to grow nearly 32% through 2029, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局. This is much faster than the average for most other health occupations. As of 2019, the median annual pay for managerial roles in nursing was $100,980.

Many of the common healthcare roles for those who earned their M.S. 包括护士长, 护士管理员, 护士教育工作者, 护士信息学专家, and leaders in public health and community health settings. 其他护理职业包括:


  • 护士领导人
  • 助理总护士长
  • LPN教练
  • 临终关怀的上司
  • 部门经理
  • 临床教育家
  • 助理副主任


Common employers that many 美高梅mgm平台 graduates have worked with include:

  • 罗切斯特大学医学中心
  • 纽约州精神健康办公室
  • 田纳西河谷教育合作组织
  • 奥斯威戈县医院
  • 布法罗仁慈医院
  • 康宁医院
  • 布法罗天主教健康系统


  • 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, 医疗卫生服务经理, 在http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/management/medical-and-health-services-managers.htm(2021年2月2日浏览).


凯莉·墨菲,M.S., R.N.

ACLS项目协调员 & Nurse Educator, 罗切斯特大学医学中心

莫妮卡·希曼.S., R.N.

Nurse Educator, Emergency Nursing, 罗切斯特大学医学中心

吉妮·罗通多,m.s.S., R.N., L.C.C.E., F.A.C.C.E.

Centering Healthcare Institute National Consultant


Earning a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree in nursing simultaneously

The program at 美高梅mgm平台 is 29 months.



护理教育硕士.S. - The Master's in 护理教育 is based on nursing science with a focus on advancing clinical and evidence-based teaching skills needed to work in college, 大学, 以及临床环境. Working RN's can complete this degree in just 20个月, 1 night a week or 100% online!
护理的领导 & 管理、米.S. -护理领导硕士 & Administration is based on nursing science with a significant focus on the business aspects of health care, 循证实践, and the latest technological advances to develop your leadership expertise and knowledge. Working RN's can complete this degree in just 20个月, 1 night a week or 100% online!
R.N. B.S. 在护理 -如果您是在职注册护士, our RN BS Program can help you earn your bachelor's degree in nursing in 15 months, 在课堂上或在网上.
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu