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奖学金 & 奖助金


美高梅mgm平台相信 罗伯茨大学的教育是对你未来的投资.  Because we have confidence in the transformative experience students have here, 美高梅mgm平台提供很多助学金和奖学金来帮助他们上大学. 美高梅mgm平台希望私立大学能够为家庭提供方便和负担得起的机会.

*美高梅mgm平台保留更改奖项的权利, 金额及资格标准恕不另行通知. 有关详细资料,请浏览 目录中的经济援助部分.


Academic scholarships are based on a combination of High School GPA and SAT/ACT scores at the time of admittance; only average qualifications are listed below. Recipients will be granted the single highest award for which they qualify and will be notified of their award with their acceptance packet along with their financial aid letter.

Award amounts listed are for freshmen students enrolling for the first time at 美高梅mgm平台 in fall 2023. Please refer to previous catalogs for scholarship/grant awarding information for enrollment that began prior to fall 2023.


B.T. 罗伯茨奖学金-全额学费

Three students will receive a full-tuition scholarship minus other Roberts, 联邦, 还有州助学金和奖学金. 学生必须参加 学术奖学金庆祝活动 要符合资格. This scholarship will be awarded based on an interview during the event, 一篇文章, 以及高中的学习成绩. 的 three recipients of this scholarship will be notified within 3 weeks following the event.


受托人奖学金为22美元,000 per year to recipients who are admitted as first-year students 从2023年秋季开始 and represent character consistent with the goals of Roberts Wesleyan College. 奖学金每年更新一次, provided the student maintains at least a 2.累计平均绩点0.


总统奖学金奖励20美元,000 per year to recipients who are admitted as first-year students 从2023年秋季开始 and represent character consistent with the goals of Roberts Wesleyan College. 奖学金每年更新一次, provided the student maintains at least a 2.累计平均绩点0.


院长奖学金为18美元,000 per year to recipients who are admitted as first-year students 从2023年秋季开始 and represent character consistent with the goals of Roberts Wesleyan College. 奖学金每年更新一次, provided the student maintains at least a 2.累计平均绩点0.


创始人奖学金奖励14美元,000 per year to recipients who are admitted as first-year students 从2023年秋季开始 and represent character consistent with the goals of Roberts Wesleyan College. 奖学金每年更新一次, provided the student maintains at least a 2.累计平均绩点0.


的 Roberts Opportunity Grant awards $10,000 per year to recipients who are admitted as 首次全日制新生 从2023年秋季开始 and represent character consistent with the goals of 美高梅mgm平台. 奖学金每年更新一次.


    • 授予不符合条件的学生 申请任何学术奖学金.


美高梅mgm平台是 transfer-friendly, 为即将到来的转学生提供广泛的奖学金. 从众多选择中选择 专业及课程 and experience the personal attention that students have come to appreciate.

院长奖学金| 1.8万美元|累积绩点3分.6或以上

For those starting as a first-time transfer student in spring 2023 and beyond, 院长奖学金18美元,000 per year to recipients whose character is consistent with the goals of 美高梅mgm平台. Recipients must have a cumulative grade point average of higher than 3.在最近的一所大学就读全日制课程. 奖学金每年更新一次, provided the student maintains at least a 2.累计平均绩点0.

主任奖学金| 16000美元|累计绩点3分.3 - 3.59

For those starting as a first-time transfer student in spring 2023 and beyond, 主任奖学金奖励16美元,000 per year to recipients whose character is consistent with the goals of 美高梅mgm平台. 奖学金每年更新一次, provided the student maintains at least a 2.累计平均绩点0. 受助人必须有累积平均绩点3.3 to 3.在最近的一所大学里,59人是全日制学生.

创始人奖学金| 14000美元|累计绩点3分.0 - 3.29

For those starting as a first-time transfer student in spring 2023 and beyond, 创始人奖学金14美元,000 per year to recipients whose character is consistent with the goals of 美高梅mgm平台. 奖学金每年更新一次, provided the student maintains at least a 2.累计平均绩点0. 受助人必须有累积平均绩点3.0 to 3.在最近的一所大学里,29人是全日制学生.

Phi 的ta Kappa奖| 2000美元

Phi 的ta Kappa Honors Society members receive their earned academic merit scholarship plus an extra $2,000. 这是可堆叠和可再生的. 必须符合以下标准:

其他奖学金 & 奖助金

美高梅mgm平台根据成绩提供各种各样的奖学金. 这些都会反映在你最后的获奖信中.


这些都是根据艺术能力来评定的, 特殊利益集团, 参加俱乐部或组织, 或者其他认识.




  • 学业成绩优异,精通艺术.
  • 与艺术系一起审查艺术作品集.
  • 在视觉艺术系攻读学位的:
    • 艺术教育
    • 数字媒体艺术
    • 平面设计
    • 版画
    • 3 d(陶瓷 & 雕塑)
    • 2D(素描、绘画和版画)
    • 摄影
    • 工作室艺术

的se awards are renewable based on satisfactory achievement and good standing within the college.

更多信息请访问 艺术系网站.


Awards are made 每年 to talented students who show promise in music ranging from $1,000 to $6,000.


  • 性能水平.
  • 在音乐系取得成功的潜力.

的se awards are renewable based on satisfactory academic and musical achievements along with good standing within the college.

Additionally there are two-full tuition scholarships awarded 每年 to the most skilled musicians who audition.

更多信息请访问 音乐系网站.


Roberts Wesleyan College has joined forces with News 8 and Advantage Federal Credit Union to award a $10,000 Golden Apple 奖学金 to one incoming undergraduate teacher education student. 详细信息可在 金苹果奖学金申请页面.


的se grants are provided out of the Roberts Fund for students with demonstrated financial need.


1美元的补助金,000 is available upon application to students with financial need who are legally dependent children of parents employed in full-time Christian service. 


Students whose mom or dad are alumni of Roberts Wesleyan College will receive a 1000美元的奖学金 每年.

Eligible students should mention in their application that their parents are graduates of the college. 


年轻的生命 students can receive $4,000 over four years at Roberts Wesleyan College. 详细信息可在 青年生活奖学金页面.


All Black Scholar graduates will be awarded award an additional $1,000 每年. 这个奖只颁发给新生.

黑人学者计划 是通过罗切斯特城市联盟提供的. 的 program identifies Black Scholars from school districts in Genesee, 利文斯顿, 梦露, 安大略, 奥尔良, 和韦恩县. Eligible students should mention in their application that they are a Black Scholar recipient.


We will match 50% to 100% of scholarship assistance provided by an enrolling student's home church 最高可达1000美元.

比赛的级别将由C决定教会伙伴委员会 经审查财政需要文件和其他资源授予. 应用程序可用 在线 通过 学生金融服务办公室.


支柱助学金是根据学生的工作情况颁发的, 成就, and characteristics demonstrated in their application for admission and essay. 


  • Demonstrate one or more of the characteristics of deep faith, character, leadership, and service:
    • 勇敢的性格, 
    • 准备好领导, 
    • 繁荣的社区, 
    • 在基督里扎根 
  • 通过FAFSA证明经济需求
  • 全日制(至少12学时)


Roberts 纽约承诺 is an initiative to provide a 美高梅mgm平台 education tuition-free to high-achieving students in New York who may not otherwise have the resources to attend a private institution.  更多的细节.


Roberts has partnered with SAGE to help make college more affordable for families. 通过 明智的计划在美国,家庭可以累积积分,以保证获得机构资助. Tuition Rewards Points are like frequent flyer miles - but for college tuition!

  • 储蓄或投资529计划(仅限PA)
  • 为401K或403B存钱
  • Purchasing cash-value life insurance through a participating organization
  • 保持附属兄弟组织的成员资格
  • Working with an affiliated financial professional (individual or organization) who provides asset management, 合格产品销售, 年度财务审查, 研讨会或工作坊
  • Having a college funding plan created by an affiliated organization or individual



  1. www.tuitionrewards.com/studentdirect
  2. 注册你的Student Direct帐户
  3. 完成你的在线简介


As an NCAA Division II member, we offer scholarships to talented student-athletes. 教练决定谁能获得奖学金以及奖学金的内容.

For questions regarding athletic scholarships, please go to the staff directory on 红鹰体育网站 找到体育主任和教练的联系方式.

所有来港运动员必须在国际奥委会注册 NCAA资格中心.


的re are millions of dollars of scholarship funds available, but how do you find them?

  1. 使用信誉良好的奖学金搜索网站,如下面列出的.
  2. 如果这听起来好得令人难以置信,或者他们想要预付款! 请查看 Fastweb奖学金诈骗提示表.
  3. 应用,应用,应用!  不要限制自己.  你获得的每一笔奖学金都是对你教育的投资.


